
  • Jurnal As-Salam

    As-Salam Journal [p-ISSN: 2528-1402 | e-ISSN: 2549-5593 | doi:] is a scientific publication journal published by The Lecturer Association of Islamic Studies in Aceh Province, published in a paper-based manner in 2016 and published online since 2017. As-Salam Journal is published 2 (two) times a year, first period in June and the second period in December. The As-Salam Journal is Open Access and Peer-Reviewed. The main objective of the As-Salam Journal is to provide a platform for national and international scholars, academics and researchers to share ideas in the fields of Science-Islamic Integration (interdisciplinary) and Education.

  • Journal of Multicultural Education and Social Studies

    JOMESS (Journal of Multicultural Education and Social Studies) is committed to publishing and sharing the outcomes of research conducted in the realm of education, with a primary focus on multicultural education. This encompasses studies that delve into the cultivation of character values aimed at fostering harmony and peace within diverse societies. Additionally, the journal welcomes inquiries within the broader social sciences. The research findings presented here may take the form of theoretical discoveries, conceptual frameworks, educational models, and more.

  • JPMA - Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat As-Salam

    Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat As-Salam (JPMA) [E-ISSN: 2797-7242] bertujuan untuk menerbitkan dan menyebarluaskan hasil penerapan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, dan seni melalui program pengabdian atau layanan kepada masyarakat untuk mengembangkan teori keilmuan, konsep pemikiran, model, dan hasil penelitian. Pengabdian atau layanan kepada masyarakat yang dimaksud adalah upaya untuk meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunan, pemberdayaan masyarakat, peningkatan kemampuan (skill) sehingga meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan masyarakat atau komunitas.

  • Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Language Teaching (JLLLT)

    Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching (JLLLT) [e-ISSN: 2827-8518] is a double-blind peer-reviewed, published biannual on January-June, July- December. It is dedicated to promoting scholarly exchange among teachers, practitioners and researchers in the field of languages. Although articles are written in English, the journal welcomes studies dealing with other than English as well.