The Character Education Through Sumang Tradition in Gayonese Community
Character Education, Sumang, GayoneseAbstract
Character education is an essential component of developing well-rounded individuals in society. This research aimed to explore the potential of the Sumang tradition in developing education character among the Gayonese community. The study applied a qualitative approach with an ethnographic case study method. Data were collected through interviews and documentation. The interviews were conducted to several informants, such as the Head of the Gayonese Customary Council, community leaders, and a number of teachers who were selected purposively. The interviews were conducted using open-ended questions to allow informants to express their opinions and experiences freely. To complement the data obtained from interviews, the research also conducted a process of tracing documents related to the Sumang tradition in the Gayonese community. Document tracing is a data collection technique that involves reviewing written or recorded materials related to the research topic. In this case, the researchers reviewed various documents, such as books, articles, and reports that discussed the Sumang tradition in the Gayonese community. The data analysis technique used in this research was an interactive analysis technique consisting of three main stages: data collection, data condensation, and conclusion drawing. The research findings reveal that character education through the Sumang tradition in the Gayonese community is achieved by instilling Sumang values among community members. The Sumang tradition comprises four stages, namely Sumang Kenunulen, Sumang Percerakan, Sumang Pelangkahan, and Sumang Penengonen, each of which emphasizes different values.
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